Metroltek provides consulting services for the test and measurement industry.
Develop applications using National Instruments LabVIEW. Applications can be a single bench instruments, a data acquisition unit or as large as a full ATE test system. All computer busses can be supported, including GPIB, LXI, Ethernet, PXI and Serial. Databases and data analysis can be supported.
Develop applications using Microsoft C# .NET. Databases and data analysis can be supported. Third party components can be used to provide functionality for on-screen workbooks, ribbon toolbars and master/detail data grids, for example.
Develop applications to include a database for storing and retrieving data and setup information. SQL statements can be included in the programming language of your choice.
Develop applications that include data visualization and data analysis. Tools can include SPC (statistical process control) such as control charts, summary analysis from variables data as well as attribute data, Gage R&R, Measurement System Analysis and measurement uncertainty.
Onsite or virtual training can be provided to instruct on methods or principles for a wide variety of test related application areas. These include teaching LabVIEW, C#.Net, SQL for databases and, statistical principles used to analyze test data.